Sunday, 25 May 2014

Cookies, Ice-cream and the Zenith of Getting it On

"Remember, sex is like a Chinese takeout dinner, it ain't over 'til you both get your cookie."
-Alec Baldwin

Listening:  Drake (fulfilling my Canadian female stereotype)

Eating:  One lovely blubbery muffin

Looking:  Out a rainy window, some candles

I just got back from a run in the rain, and I feel that it is important to mention that I am wearing a New York Yankees Jay-Z-esque hat.  Nice wide brim, keeps the rain out.  I think it's also important to note, that I have been asked before when stopped at a traffic light in my neighbourhood to turn down my "ungodly" music…I was listening to Shade 45 on Sirius.  I like to keep the community on their feet, try to warm them up to the actual world outside of 1952.  I am going to try to tell them about 3D printers next week, I think they'll probably try to burn me at the stake, but hey, heres hoping not.

Sometimes you just have to laugh.  

Other than listening to "ungodly" music this week, I've been testing some bits and pieces for ice-cream sandwiches.  A cookie here, some ice-cream there, trying to get the perfect combination.  It's quite a tough (not tough) job but I think I finally found the right combo.  That's one thing I've learned from the writing process, you have to test until it's perfect, you can't just fake a recipe and hope people won't notice.  It's all about patience and good whipping cream.  Sort of like sex.

The amount of girls that I know who have faked orgasms is about well, all of them.  Sometimes it's just not going to happen, sometimes they just want things to end, and sometimes things happen a little too quickly.  I find especially from what I have heard, guys just don't have the patience.  Saying that, girls don't tend to speak up about what they want regarding the big O, and, a big kicker for the ladies is that they need to feel trust in their partner in order to fully "peak" (it's a hilarious job looking for orgasm synonyms). 

  The chances of having good sex with someone while a) inebriated b) not knowing them or c) not speaking up is quite rare.  Not saying that this is an exact formula, but it just makes sense to get what you want, I mean we were taught that sharing is just the right thing to do right?

Don't fake it til you make it!  Speak up!  Get what you want.  Take charge.  Move those hips.  Have a couple of martinis.  Try different things.  Get on top.  But most of all, own it.  

And guys, don't take ideas from porn.  Most of what is happening on the internet, no.  Just no.  

Stick to the seven.  They are different for men and women, for example the majority of men I have asked have said contrary to what Cosmo tells you, mens nipples are NOT that kind of sensitive.  On women, yes, go to town.  The earlobes are quite a little area for a lot of people, although, like any place, some people are not a fan, just try it out and see. The nape of the neck is nice and sensitive, but watch out for hickies, you aren't Steve Jobs.  You will not pull off a turtleneck in summer.

The inner thighs are another kicker to get your blood a flowing.  As is the bum, but make sure to approach this area a bit more gradually as a lot of people are quite apprehensive about it.  That then leaves the obvious: the bean, the button, the boy in the boat: the clitoris.  

To end on a more lovely note, the mouth.  A persons lips are incredibly sensitive, and prone to wanting kisses.  So give the people what they want!  Give them what they need!  

On to the sandwiches.  I tried a dark chocolate brownie cookie with a mint chocolate chip ice-cream filling, which was good, but the cookie wasn't quite right, it was a bit too cake-y.

I then tried a chocolate chip cookie dough cookie, not baking anything, with a vanilla chip ice-cream…it was getting there, but it was almost, dare I say it, TOO rich. (picture at top of post).

And then finally, finally.  A very gently cooked, still gooey chocolate chip cookie with a slow churned vanilla bean ice-cream.  Perfection in sugar form.  There is nothing like homemade ice-cream.  It is the richest, most creamy, most died and gone to proverbial heaven of things.  The recipe that I decided on does not need an ice-cream maker, and does not need constant arm numbing stirring:  

Vanilla Bean Ice Cream
Adapted from The Perfect Scoop:

1 cup whole milk
Pinch of salt
3/4 cup of sugar
1 vanilla bean, split lengthwise
2 cups of whipping cream
5 large egg yolks
1 tsp pure vanilla extract

1.  Heat the milk, salt, and sugar in a saucepan.  Scrape the seeds from the vanilla bean into the milk, and then throw the pod itself in.  Cover, and remove from heat, let everything infuse for about an hour.

2.  Set up an ice bath for your ice-cream by placing in a large bowl ice and cold water, into this set a smaller bowl that is able to hold your ice-cream.  Pour your whipping cream into bowl

3.  In a separate bowl, whisk your egg yolks.  Re-warm your milk and gradually pour half of your milk mixture into your yolks, WHISK CONTINUOUSLY.  Scrape your yolk/milk mixture back into the saucepan.

4.  Cook over medium low heat, stirring constantly and scraping the bottom with a heatproof spatula, until the custard is thick enough to coat your spatula.  About 10-15 minutes.

5.  Strain the custard into the whipping cream, stir until cooled.  add vanilla extract and place in fridge for a few hours.

6.  Remove vanilla pod and place mixture into a freezer proof container.  Place in freezer.  After 45 minutes, remove and whisk vigourously.  Place back in freezer.  Take out and whisk, making sure to blend all the frozen bits, every thirty minutes for 3 hours.  

Voila.  If you're not having sex tonight, I'd recommend this ice-cream.  And some Mad Men.  But mostly this ice-cream.  Have great weeks and even better orgasms.

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Kebab-wich and Communication

Listening:  Vance Joy (ukuleles really get to me).

Eating:  This sandwich.  Dark dark coffee.

Looking:  At thunder clouds.  Dishes.

Today, is a holiday.  One of the best types of days, everyone that you bump into is just so thrilled that tomorrow is a Monday.  Poor Monday, it never stood a chance of being the favourite.  I took the time today to make some granola bars, a big ol' meaty breakfast, some potato bread, and a sandwich…duh.

I also watched a couple of episodes of Seinfeld.  I have a box set that a past beau of mine never got back.  I like to joke that all I got out of the relationship was my ability to shake a tin of tobacco by snapping, an intense dislike of (most) Radiohead and a copy of one of the best television shows ever made; poor Radiohead, they can hang with Monday.  I kid of course... I also got some really great teeshirts and poems.

As I was sitting and watching the kidnapped Seinfeld I once again was reminded of my love of all things Elaine.  The original funny woman, curly haired beauty, and ridiculously good dancer always reminds me that it is okay to not be a dainty lady all the time.  That cynicism and not knowing how to curl your hair with straightener are okay.  

The episode I chose was The English Patient.  Now, I have read and watched The English Patient and there are a couple of things to mention.  First of all, Michael Ondaatje is a (Canadian) genius, the images that he presents to you through his writing are amazing, he almost makes the war look good.  However, this did not fully translate to screen, and the movie became long, and my mind kept wandering to LOST because the guy who plays Sayhid is in it, and then polar bears, and then The Others, and where is Hurley now even?

Anyways, in the episode Elaine seems to be the only person on the planet who doesn't like the film.  Her friends stop talking to her, she gets fired from her job, and she doesn't get the piece of pie she orders. The scene that caught me is the one below:

WAITRESS: Really? I thought it was pretty good.

ELAINE: Oh, come on. Good? What was good about it? (scoffs) Those sex scenes!
I mean, please! Gimme something I can use!

WAITRESS: (sour) Well, I liked it.

The waitress takes the coffee pot and walks away into the back.

ELAINE: (calling after) Hey. You forgot about my piece of pie. Hello?
(irritated) You know, sex in a tub. That doesn't work!

*If you're going to have sex in a tub, use a silicon based lubricant so everyone is nice and  comfortable.*

I absolutely love it.  She's being honest, she isn't disillusioned, and she doesn't need a fucking movie to tell her what love or sex should be like.  Basically, we all know after this that Elaine is probably amazing in the boudoir.  She's a lady who knows what she wants, and isn't afraid to say it.

I think this is a problem for a lot of women out there: communication.  And unfortunately, communication is key to good sex, good relationships, and frankly everything.  We don't want to come across as crazy, or too eager, or, we have self image issues that prevent us from fully connecting during intimate moments.  It's corny as all hell, but the best thing to do for communication, is to be yourself and say what you want.  I know, it's hard to remember because TLC isn't together anymore reminding us through song and verse, meanwhile, we've got musicians dressing up as cats singing about Birthdays *cough cough there's already a song about them.*


I am finding it a bit difficult during writing how not to come across as preachy when it comes to topics like communication, so maybe I'll just draw some comics and be done with it.  But in the meantime, I think the four key points are:

1.  Be happy with yourself.  If you're not, work for life balance and find what makes you happy.  Make moves to improve your mental and physical well being.

2.  Be honest with yourself and others.  I mean, don't be rude to people, (unless they insult your partner and their entire family or something, then you can call them a c*nt and move on,) but just know that you don't have to surround yourself with anyone or anything that doesn't make you happy.

3.  Do things with strangers!  Seriously, this helps with communication so much.  Join an Urban Recreation league, or take a Burlesque class.  Join a knitting circle, or volunteer at the cancer clinic.  Meeting and socializing with new people keeps those communication skills in check.  

4.  This one is especially for the laddiiieeeees:  Say what you mean in plain English.  When someone asks you what's wrong, don't say "nothing," and expect people to know you have a problem.  Say what your problem is, and then find a solution.  Simple.  Easy.  Clean.  Don't keep those emotions pent up, they'll give you wrinkles.


Preaching complete.  Now on to the sandwich.  This one is a play on Australian burgers; Australians love beets.  And good for them, beets need loving too.  Super simple roasted vegetables and hot Calabrese salami, covered with mozzarella, dijon, and mayo, nestled between a warm potato roll.  Very tasty, but I think I am going to try roasting the veggies a little bit more next time, if we're being honest.

I am going to go have a glass of wine now, I will close with my attempt at a written version of the Seinfeld closing bass:  

Ba da dum da dum ba dum….badadadum!



Saturday, 17 May 2014


"Great food is like great sex.  The more you have the more you want." —Gael Greene

Listening:  Great Gatsby Soundtrack (The best part of the movie).

Eating:  Paleo chocolate cake with a nice big ol' glass of wine.

Looking: At the lake, my giant dog lying at my feet.

Welcome!  So this is a blog.  I am new to this, and don't really love blogs that much; I am a book purist.  However, I've decided to accept change and be a grown up.  So this "blog" will keep track of my cookbook progression, and force me to own up to the negaverse, are we still calling the internet the negaverse?  Have we ever?  Well, regardless, this will be the place where I start to post photos and results of my recipe tests.  I will also post some short writings on sex, psychology, babes, etc. etc.  No photos when it comes to sex, this is not that kind of place.  So if you're looking for that sort of thing byeeeee, I hear Reddit has some great stuff.


Why Sandwiches?


Are you kidding me?  Sandwiches are one of the best things that came out of 18th Century Europe.  The combinations are endless!  You can dip them, fry them, slice them, melt them, press them, basically do all the verbs to them.  Sandwiches are the perfect food to use to enhance your cooking skills and literally impress the pants off of someone.  The way to someone's heart is still through food.  And I am choosing that food to be the sandwich.  You lure them in, I'll teach you how to bonk them on the head with meat, bread, and cheese.  Not that you're dating a fish.


Why Sex?


Why not?  Sex is perceived so differently by so many members and groups in our society, which I find to be very interesting.  There is literally a magazine devoted to telling us how to do it right; it is a constant in our society.  With this, I will be mocking these magazines, trying to convince you to do it like you want to, like YOU want to.  Be confident, be sexy, and dance it like you feel it.

    I will also be including personal anecdotes and ideas from my life for added hilarity and enjoyment.  Chances are you're not the only person in the world who has felt a particular way, and I am here to make sure that's true.  I am going to share stories from some pals too, which I will pry out of them after feeding them some wine, vodka, or both.  All this stuff will be anonymous, real names won't be used, because that's what Sex in the City taught me; if you want to be a good writer you can't use real names, and you have to be able to define yourself under the umbrella of one of four types of female personalities.  Not that I am taking a dig at SATC, that hair, those shoes…

To make it simple:  There are few things more indulgent (wonderful) then great sex and delicious sandwiches. 

So, welcome again!  Wash your face, brush your hair, and put on a smile, let's have some fun.

