Saturday, 17 May 2014


"Great food is like great sex.  The more you have the more you want." —Gael Greene

Listening:  Great Gatsby Soundtrack (The best part of the movie).

Eating:  Paleo chocolate cake with a nice big ol' glass of wine.

Looking: At the lake, my giant dog lying at my feet.

Welcome!  So this is a blog.  I am new to this, and don't really love blogs that much; I am a book purist.  However, I've decided to accept change and be a grown up.  So this "blog" will keep track of my cookbook progression, and force me to own up to the negaverse, are we still calling the internet the negaverse?  Have we ever?  Well, regardless, this will be the place where I start to post photos and results of my recipe tests.  I will also post some short writings on sex, psychology, babes, etc. etc.  No photos when it comes to sex, this is not that kind of place.  So if you're looking for that sort of thing byeeeee, I hear Reddit has some great stuff.


Why Sandwiches?


Are you kidding me?  Sandwiches are one of the best things that came out of 18th Century Europe.  The combinations are endless!  You can dip them, fry them, slice them, melt them, press them, basically do all the verbs to them.  Sandwiches are the perfect food to use to enhance your cooking skills and literally impress the pants off of someone.  The way to someone's heart is still through food.  And I am choosing that food to be the sandwich.  You lure them in, I'll teach you how to bonk them on the head with meat, bread, and cheese.  Not that you're dating a fish.


Why Sex?


Why not?  Sex is perceived so differently by so many members and groups in our society, which I find to be very interesting.  There is literally a magazine devoted to telling us how to do it right; it is a constant in our society.  With this, I will be mocking these magazines, trying to convince you to do it like you want to, like YOU want to.  Be confident, be sexy, and dance it like you feel it.

    I will also be including personal anecdotes and ideas from my life for added hilarity and enjoyment.  Chances are you're not the only person in the world who has felt a particular way, and I am here to make sure that's true.  I am going to share stories from some pals too, which I will pry out of them after feeding them some wine, vodka, or both.  All this stuff will be anonymous, real names won't be used, because that's what Sex in the City taught me; if you want to be a good writer you can't use real names, and you have to be able to define yourself under the umbrella of one of four types of female personalities.  Not that I am taking a dig at SATC, that hair, those shoes…

To make it simple:  There are few things more indulgent (wonderful) then great sex and delicious sandwiches. 

So, welcome again!  Wash your face, brush your hair, and put on a smile, let's have some fun.



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