Wednesday 1 October 2014

#WCW October 1st

Woman Crush Wednesday 

Listening:  Chet Faker.  This man, his voice, his beard.  Enough said.

Eating:  Coffee!  Coffee!  Coffee! And surprisingly tortellini.  Nothing like breakfast pasta.

Looking:  I am cozied up in the backyard watching New Zealander's pick some wine grapes.  It's some pretty, pretty, pretty alright looking this morning.

Well here we are, October first.  And thank goodness, I was really starting to worry summer was going to last forever, and who wants that?  I find the most creative seasons to be fall and winter, perhaps it's because of the natural instinct that you could freeze to death so you might as well get all of your good ideas out of the way before that happens.   Maybe a nicer way of looking at it is with decomposition comes growth.  No, that's not much nicer at all.  Okay, let's try one last time.  Fall is beautiful because of the warm light, crisp air, and the sound your bike tires make moving over the crunchy leaves.

Descriptive writing before my fifth cup of coffee, not my strong point.  Noted.

Anyways, let's move on because god only knows what I am going to say to describe winter.  I have been away from this screen of late due to some personal priorities and some heavy cookbook development.  All exciting stuff!  Except now I actually have to finish the damn thing.  If you don't hear from me, I am probably surviving off of poutine and vegetable smoothies at my desk.  

A couple of weeks ago I created an Instagram account for Sex&Sandwiches (@sexetsandwiches) so I've been working on that a bit each day, well trying to.  Computers are not my strong suit, my strong suit is a black and white pantsuit that I only bring out for job interviews and professional funerals.  Don't ask what a professional funeral is, you'll find out one day, naturally.

So, for the Instagram account (@sexetsandwiches), I've decided each Wednesday to have a #WCW.  For those of you who have a life, read real books, and don't know what a #WCW is, let me educate you.  It is a woman, who you have a crush on, to whom you proclaim your love and admiration to on a Wednesday.

Every Wednesday, I will be featuring an interview and photo series with a real life, that's right  REAL LIFE, woman who I admire.  There will be a photo series and an interview getting to know them, what they do, how they feel about sex, sandwiches, and sometimes footwear.  

Please note, this is not just for the "sex sells" aspect, although if it weren't for the "sex sells" aspect I would probably be out of a job.  What I am trying to do here is empower the everyday woman.  We are constantly bombarded with images through the media of "real women" doing "real women" things.  Well fuck off media, stop lying to me, I know your game!  I want women to feel like they can be their own brand of "sexy."  That they can, as I have said before, dance it like they feel it.

So this is where we're going to mess around, glam up some babes, talk to them about what they care about, and share with you how our generation is not a lost cause.

So let's do this thang!


I met Megan in our last year of undergrad at university.  She had the best naturally windblown hair I had ever seen, spoke incredibly eloquent in lectures, and could drink whiskey with the best of them.  

We became friends one day after class while I was having a "moment" where I started to question the entirety of my scholarly choices.  She approached me like any person would approach a girl with massive hair wearing a sweater with a sailboat on it crying, very carefully.  She asked if I was okay, and I told her I was, but the world we lived in wasn't (re: Eurocentrism).  I was super dramatic that day, I would like to think it was because I had recently driven a side view mirror off of a car with my massive SUV, but who are we kidding, I had just had enough.

She was incredibly easy to talk to, and had the kindest words that made me laugh for days.  That was it.  Team friendship.

More recently when I had to leave my job due to family illness  I had to find a replacement.     Instantly her name popped into my head.  She had the best interview of her life, and got the position.  She is one of two people who truly understands what it is like to work in both Denmark and Poland at the same time.

I chose Megan as my first woman crush Wednesday because not only is she one of the strongest and most intelligent women I know, she also lets this beauty shine through her with her contagious laughter, perfected German accent, and amazing strut.  If you haven't seen this girl strut, please, watch for her on the streets of Vancouver.

Hi Megan!  I’ll start off by saying thank you for being my first #wcw and for being such a good sport! 

Thanks!  I am excited about your project!

So how was your day?  Anything exciting happen?

My day was actually good.  Nothing too f***n exciting, went to a strata meeting.

Why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself

You are such a dork! 

Like describe what you do! 

What my job is?  Awe fuck, I don’t fucking know my job.  Little bit of art, little bit of real estate, little bit of lip synching.  

Okay, let’s get into it, how do you identify yourself sexually?

Oh wow!  That is loaded!  You just come at it!  Psssssst queer.. Queer because it’s non committal and sounds enigmatic and cute.

 How would you define your relationship status?


Do you think our age group puts too much definition on their relationship status?

I think there are always going to be people who put too much emphasis on relationship status and those who don’t, but I do think people need to be honest with themselves about what they need and want from their relationships, and I think our generation is looking that way.

What’s the strangest thing that’s happened to you in the past month relationship or sexually?

Honestly, nothing’s happened.  Such a boring answer though.

But we’ve talked about the calm before the storm, maybe something will go down?

Oh, yeah!  I think I am more due for a blunder than anything.  I’ve been such a well behaved person in these recent weeks.  I am just waiting for you know, ghosts of douchebags past to cme and swing into the neighbourhood.

 Do you have a crush at the moment?

I have a crush on ankle boots right now.

Like suede? Or leather?

Anything.  Chelsea.  All of it Doc Martens.  Fuck it.

Like girls who wear the boots or just the boots?

All of it.

Who is the first gal that pops to your mind when you think #wcw?

Nicki Minaj!

Do you cook?

When I want to impress someone or feel beautiful, I cook.  I can plate like a boss.  But sometimes when I just feel shitty and need a pick-me-up, I cook.  It makes me feel rich and luxurious.  It's therapeutic. 

What is your favorite sandwich?

Ohhhhhhh!  Fuck!  Why did I not anticipate that!?  Like in a classic sense?

Ya classic’s always good!

TURKEY BACON CLUB!  YES COMITTED.  That was like picking a favourite child.

Sandwich before or after the sex?

After, because then there is no pressure.  The rest of the time is you and the sandwich and that’s nice.

What is the one thing that someone can do or say to completely turn you on?

Hi my name is Taylor Swift.  Also, being intelligent.   I like women who are viciously intelligent, oooo that sounds sexy!

It does!

Sometimes it backfires, they can zing ya a bit.  But it’s hot.

Do you text back right away?

Yeah, usually.

So you’re just an incredibly witty person on command?

IF you think my texts are witty, then yes, I would say so.

Do you brush your teeth before morning sex?

Yes!  Cannot be confident until that has happened.  It’s something you need to be confident in if you’re going to get towards the business.

One time I took a halls vitamin c instead of brushing my teeth thinking it would have the same effect.  Yeah, I don’t know.

That didn’t have an answer at all.


Why do you think women and men can’t talk about sex in the same way?  Do you think it is damaging at all?

Men are trained to perform, women are trained to receive.  Is that damaging?  Ultimately yes.  I think sometimes it can be used in ways people can enjoy, but I think that there are more interesting things to be said when there is more power equality. 

Like when you can be yourself more?

Yeah, not having to be in a certain zone all the time.  Having variation.

Describe your perfect date in Vancouver?

Ohhhhh!  On top of one of the mountains in North Van, looking at the lionsgate bridge and the sea at twilight, with some decent sweaters and a bottle of whiskey.

Favourite place to eat in Vancouver? 

Overall, I would say Burgoo.

What would you get there?

After School special.

Favourite place to do the dirty?

Oh my god.  I am not going to answer that.  People can find out for themselves if they’re interested.  Coy ass cheecky bastard answer.

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